ELANCEO Version Odoo 14.0

Informations sur le ELANCEO instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.

Applications installées

Advanced Web Domain Widget
Set all relational fields domain by selecting its records unsing `in, not in` operator.
Hr Expense Document Attachment Preview | Image Viewer, Image Preview (jpg/jpeg/png/gif) | PDF Viewer,PDF Preview | Attachment Viewer
Document Attachment Preview, Image Preview, Image Viewer, PDF Viewer, PDF Preview, Attachment Viewer, HR Document Viewer, HR Document Preview, Expense Document Preview, Expense Document Viewer, Docuement Attachment Viewer, Document Attachment Preview,
Website Base Filters and Attributes
This module provides a common form for all filters and attributes inside product grid view.
Website Product Advance Filters
Odoo Website Product Advance Filters facilitate the customers to pick the filters and their desired products are in front of them.
Odoo 15,14,13 Customize OEM(Boost, Data reset)
1 click customize odoo, reset data. For quick develop. Set brand, boost, reset data, debug. Language Switcher. Easy Delete data.reset account chart. customize my odoo. odoo customize, odoo oem.
Du devis aux factures
Simplify Access Management | Manage - Hide Menu, Submenu, Fields, Action, Reports, Views, | Restrict/Read-Only User, Apps, Fields, Export, Archive, Actions, Views, Reports, Delete items | Manage Access rights from one place | Hide Tabs and buttons
All In One Access Management App for setting the correct access rights for fields, models, menus, views for any module and for any user. All in one access management App, Easier then Record rules setup, Centralize access rules, User wise access rules, Show only what is needed for users, Access rules setup, Easy access rights setup, Hide Any Menu, Any Field, Any Report, Any Button, Easy To Configure, Main Features:- Hide fields, Hide Buttons, Hide Tabs, Hide views, Hide Contacts, Hide Menus, Hide submenus, Hide sub-menus, Hide reports, Hide actions, Hide server actions, Hide import, Hide delete, Hide archive, Hide Tree view, Hide Form view, Hide Kanban view, Hide Calendar view, Hide Pivot, Hide Graph view, Hide Apps, Hide object buttons, Hide action buttons, Hide smart buttons, Readonly Any Field, read only user, readonly user, Hide create, Hide duplicate, Control every fields, Control every views, Control every buttons, Control every actions.
Factures & Paiements
eLearning Plus
Added extra features to enhance learning.
Record and Embed Audio or Video in Html Editor
Create and play videos/audios on odoo platform
LMS eLearning with ORA
Learning with Open Response Assessment
eLearning with Scorm
Enhanced learning using Scorm integration
Gérez vos pistes et vos opportunités
Site web
Constructeur de sites web d'entreprise
Gérez votre stock et vos activités logistiques
Bons de commande, offres et accords
Point de vente
Interface PdV conviviale pour les magasins et les restaurants
Organisez et planifiez vos projets
Vendez vos produits en ligne
Ordres de fabrication & BOMs
Email Marketing
Concevoir, envoyer et suivre des e-mails
Soumettez, validez et facturez les notes de frais des employés
Allouer des congés et suivre les demandes de congés
Centralisez les informations de vos employés
Atharva Theme Base
Base module for Atharva E-commerce themes
Product Template for Purchase Order
Create Product Template with multiple products purchase order product template purchase order PO template Apply Product Template for Purchase purchase template for product create template for purchase order po product template for PO template for product
Interest on Overdue Invoice in Odoo
App for Calculate interest on Overdue Invoice interest on pending invoice Penalty on due invoices financial charges on overdue invoices Late payment interest in invoice Late payment fee on invoice Penalty Overdue Invoices interest on customer Invoices
Invoice Mass Mailing
Send Invoice By Mail
Create Vendor Bill from Customer Invoice
Quick Bill from Invoice, Quick Bills from Invoice, Quick Bill from Customer Invoice, Quick Bills from Customer Invoice, Quick Vendor Bill from Invoice, Quick Vendor Bills from Invoice, Quick Vendor Bill from Customer Invoice, Quick Vendor Bills from Customer Invoice, Create Bill from Invoice, Create Bills from Invoice, Create Bill from Customer Invoice, Create Bills from Customer Invoice, Create Vendor Bill from Invoice, Create Vendor Bills from Invoice, Create Vendor Bill from Customer Invoice, Create Vendor Bills from Customer Invoice,
Avoid quick_create
Allows to disable the quick create option for the new contact profile and opens the wizard to fill the necessary required data to create a new contact.
Message Delete
The tool to delete Odoo messages from threads and channels
MIS Builder
Build 'Management Information System' Reports and Dashboards
Invoice Scan (Full Automatic Vendor Bill Flow)
Invoice Scan automatically scans all relevant data from documents with high accuracy, so digitalization of your Vendor Bill workflow in Odoo becomes complete.
Birthday Reminder Notification
Birthday reminder for employee
Website Product Description
This plugin use for display Website Product Description filed in Product form.
All In One Cancel - Advance | Cancel Sale Orders | Cancel Purchase Ordrs | Cancel Invoices | Cancel Invenory | Cancel Manufacturing Orders | Cancel Point Of Sale Orders | Cancel Landed Costs | Canel HR Expenses
Sale Order Cancel, Cancel Quotation, Purchase Order Cancel, Request For Quotation Cancel, Cancel POS Order, Cancel MRP Order,Delete Invoice, Cancel Payment, Cancel Stock Adjustment, Cancel Stock Picking,Cancel Stock Moves Odoo
Backmate Backend Theme Advance
Advance Material Backend Theme, Responsive Theme, Fully functional Theme, flexible Backend Theme, fast Backend Theme, lightweight Backend Theme, Animated Backend Theme, Modern multipurpose theme, Customizable Backend Theme, Multi Tab Backend Theme Odoo
HTML Snippets
HTML Snippets App, HTML Slider Snippet, html Image Grid Block, Html List Blocks, Html Snippet Module, HTML Snipet, html Box, HTML Content Box, Css snippet, Js snippet, JavaScript snippet.
Login As Other User
Login As Another User Login As Impersonate User Login As Admin Users Login As Super User Login As Portal User Login Without ID Multiple Switch Users Access Odoo Without Login As Different User Odoo
XF DocSign Campaigns - Electronic Signature and Agreement
Electronic Signature and Agreement module. Create, manage and run document signing campaigns using Odoo
Gérer et publier une plateforme eLearning
Publiez vos événements, vendez vos tickets
Chat, passerelle d'email et canaux privés
Centralisez votre carnet d'adresses
Planifier des réunions d'employés
Publiez des articles de blog, des annonces, des nouvelles
Live Chat
Discutez avec les visiteurs de votre site
Créez des sondages et analysez les réponses
Tableaux de bord
Créez vos propres tableaux de bord
Marketing par SMS
Concevoir, envoyer et suivre des SMS
Organisez votre travail avec des mémos
Gérez un forum avec un FAQ et une Q&R
Gestion des compétences
Gérez les compétences, les connaissances et le curriculum vitae de vos employés
Contrats des employés

Localisations installées / Plans comptables

Comptabilité - France
France - FEC
Fichier d'Échange Informatisé (FEC) pour la France
MIS reports for France
MIS Report templates for the French P&L and Balance Sheets
France - Certification anti-fraude à la TVA pour Point de Vente (CGI 286 I-3 bis)